Career Planning Lab for Progressive Schools

Our career guidance Lab is a state-of-the-art career counselling technology platform for schools which comprises of the emerging & latest trends in the Indian education system. Our Technology platform along with the Expert Counsellors help students to set career goals, find out the most suitable career path and achieve their career milestones. Students can make informed career decisions based on career analysis and information available in a single platform.
Career Awareness workshop
Experienced Career Counsellors
Information about New aged Careers
Information about Vocational Careers
How to choose the perfect career path.
Informed Vs Uninformed career Decisions
One on One Counselling
One on One counselling
Dedicated Counsellor mapping
Career analysis among 150+ Career Paths, 3000+ Occupations
Career Library
College Admission Predictors
Exam Calendar
School Dashboard
Analytics reports
Counsellors management
Student management
Trend analysis
Career reports of students
Career Planning Lab Setup
Online and Offline version
English / Vernacular languages
Mobile Responsive
Counsellors Dashboard
Student Profile management
Live chat
Career Information access
Quick Customizations
Customization based on your business processes and expected outcomes. You will be empowered to modify too!
How can career guidance lab help students?
It is an inclusive platform for students. All the career-related information will be available in a single platform. Student can do career assessment to find out the most suitable career path, career library for information and career navigation, more than 1.5 Lakhs top colleges information and admission chances predictions, exams information, career boosters and many more.
Will students will get personalized Guidance?
Yes, Definitely. Edumilestones Counsellors strive to set up a profound affinity with each student to help them clarify and achieve their career goals. Our team of senior expert counsellors ensure that the nature and high quality of counselling remain at the highest. Every student will undergo a process of career assessment followed by one on one career counselling
Why career guidance lab should be established in Schools?
In India, around 70% of students are confused and ignorant about their career, 80% of the students are concerned for their subject selection and 91% don't get any career-related guidance from their schools. (Source-Edumilestones survey on 20,000 students 2018-19). Career Guidance Lab can bridge this gap by making connections between classroom learning and proper career guidance. Such initiatives will help in the holistic development of student and provide enough execution time for them that would guarantee their full career success.
Can I get the demo of career guidance lab for schools?
Of course, you can! You just need to sign up and have full access to the demo.